Personal opinion on "The Case For Copyright Reform"

My opinion on "The Case For Copyright Reform"

Moral Rights Unchanged

I agree with "Give credit where credit is due". Nobody should be allowed to impersonate anyone else, and the author should always be credited for their work.

Free Non-Commercial Sharing

I may be biased, but I believe that unless someone attempts to profit from sharing copyrighted content, then it shouldn't be in anyone's interest what a private citizen shares.

20 Years Of Commercial Monopoly

I don't agree with this. I believe that if an author makes a work, then it should be theirs until they choose to share it with others

Registration After 5 Years

I believe that copyright should be granted as soon as the author begins working on their work, but if the author cannot be found, the work should be free to use.

Free Sampling

I fully support this.

A Ban on DRM

I am opinionated on this, but DRM should be banned. It should not be left to companies to decide what people can do with the products they purchase. It should be entirely up to the individual to decide what to do with it.

My opinion on piracy overall

I am a person who pirates things on the internet. If I want to try something on my computer, such as a game or software, I won't buy it right away and hope I like it. I'll pirate it first, try it out, and then buy it if I like it or find it useful. I don't want to spend my money on something that I won't find worthwhile, that is buggy, or that is completely broken. I also oppose DRM systems that companies force on people who buy their products or service.

Example 1: Product becomes unusable, if DRM fails.

Here I can bring denuvo as an example. Someone simply forgot to renew a domain, and as a result, the DRM in the game failed the test, rendering the games unplayable.

Example 2: Limited quality.

Here I can bring netflix as an example. People are unable to watch content that they have paid for in the highest quality due to DRM. It all comes down to the software-level DRM not allowing streaming above 720p.



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