IT professionals

Qualities of IT professionals

In my opinion IT professionals should be:

Adaptable and ready to learn

IT has never been the same since its beginning and will never be the same again. People should not get stuck in time because work is continuously being done to make IT better than it has ever been. What worked 20 years ago may still work today, but there may be better solutions to solve similar problems. But this doesn't mean that newer tools are always automatically better.

Ready to ask for help when needed

Not a single person is capable of knowing everything. When something is unknown, then IT professional shouldn't be afraid to ask for help. But the request for help shouldn't be before doing any research. I constantly see duplicate threads online without any clear description in them. It's as if the person writing them didn't even think for a second.

Skills of IT professionals

What IT professionals should know in my opinion:

* Knows many programming and scripting languages

* Knows many Operating Systems and hardware

* Understands networking

* Knows many different numeral systems

Education of IT professionals

Many IT jobs in Estonia either a degree or prior work experience. They prefer candidates with a Bachelors degree, however they are sometimes willing to accept people with vocational education or even without any education at all. When it comes to work experience, they usually prefer between 2 to 5 years of experience.

My personal opinion

I believe that a degree does not instantly mean a person is capable of doing his job. Before becoming a professional in the field, the person needs to experience real work and after working for some time, then he can be called a professional.


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