Online censorship and privacy

Online censorship in Estonia

I didn't know this, but Estonia has already been blocking gambling websites that have not been approved by EMTA (Maksu- ja Tolliamet) since 2010, with over 1700 domains now on the list

Because of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Estonia has now begun censoring Russian TV channels and websites. I never expected Estonia to do something like this. I oppose the war and believe it should be ended as soon as possible, but I also despise the idea of censorship. This act of censorship, in my opinion, is unacceptable and may mark the beginning of a period in which filtering content that is not supported by the government is acceptable. We could end up like China, where people have no free will and are only permitted to think what the government wants people to think.

Mozilla Firefox and privacy

Firefox always advertises itself as being privacy-protective, but this is not the case by default. Firefox makes a lot of background connections by default, which reveal a lot about what the user is doing and much more. The worst part is that it's all opt-out rather than opt-in. Some of these services may help users protect their privacy, but many do not. Prefetching and pre-connections, for example, may establish connections that the user does not want. Experiments and studies are also conducted on the users in the background.

The solution to such problems is to create a user.js file and disabling many of these features through it. After disabling many of these features, only then can the browser be referred to as privacy-protective. This treatment, I believe, is the reason why Firefox is losing market share. They are adding features that chromium users expect from a browser, but they do not want to change their browser without any benefits, and people who use Firefox, because it is privacy-protective, migrate to other browsers because Mozilla adds features that they do not want.



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Hackers and hacker culture

If a person has control over any function, it can also be used to control the computer